"Believe in God in spite of what the clergy say."


Dear Contra & Diction
These guys teach tradition and truth simultaneously

Dear Corruption Candidate
Poor college girl dorms with crazy people
Dear Cult Guy
He thinks I'm a freako cult leader
Dear Fearful Person
A sincere seeker struggles with truth
Dear Fence-Straddler
This guy fears man, not God
Dear George Costanza
Single dude with married woman asks: Am I committing adultry?
Dear Guilt Queen
This chick's dragging around her own cross
Dear Knowledge Without Teaching
We can't experience God until we know about Him

Dear Korean Dude 1
A Korean woman visits hell. It's hot!
Dear Korean Dude 2
100,000 religious lunatic peasants trump scripture!
Dear Lots o' Questions
The absolute versus the relative
Dear Man-Made
Which is riskier: Leaving church or staying?
Dear Mr. Hell
Martin dissects the fiery sermon of a friend
Dear Nice Person
He's got judgment confused with punishment
Dear NIV Guy
He thinks the NIV is a decent version of scripture
Dear Oh Me, Oh My
Woman commits adultery because of my book
Dear Puzzled About God
God never changes His mind
Dear Spiritualizer
Literal meaning is as spiritual as can be

Dear Unscriptural Committee
Martin refuses to sign a statement of faith
Dear Sovereignty Doubter
He wonders whether God controls everything

Letter to an Israelite on Law and Grace
A great opportunity to teach the differences between Peter's gospel and Paul's.
Letter to Mother Theresa
Sorry, but sainthood could make one a slave of sin

The Writings of Martin Zender
Author, Martin Zender

Donate to the ministry

Books, etc.Inside look, plus excerpts

Essays, Articles,
Letters & StoriesHuck Finn on hell, the beasts of Daniel, free will, the rapture, etc.

ZendertalkSex, religion, Amish underwear and everything in between

Zender/Sheridan ShowRousing radio on Paul's gospel of grace, baptism, bible prophecy, antichrist, salvation and more
All New Zender/Sheridan ShowRousing radio on Paul's gospel of grace, baptism, bible prophecy, antichrist, salvation and more
Frankly Speaking RadioWith Frank Whalen

Clanging Gong NewsSalvation of all, homosexuality, Satan, Babylon, Revelation, new creation, spiritual reality, false prophets, heaven, the Apostle Paul

Crack O' Dawn ReportFast-paced videos - Joel Osteen, watch out!

ZWTF Archives-Zapping-You Whenever Thoughts Flow

"The Manifesto"My vision for evangelism (PDF Report)

"A Defense of the Faith"There is a disturbing trend today in the body of Christ that would put human feelings before sound teaching and the honor due qualified teachers. The mantra is: "Let us not offend." (PDF Report)

"History 101"The History of the Ministry (PDF Report)

Q & AAnswers on the Bible, free will, Satan, hell, God, and the salvation of all through the cross of Christ

Martin vs. The Baptist Minister Refuting the doctrine of eternal torment

Comments/TestimoniesFrom our readers and listeners

ZenderFlixConference videos, talks, specials
