Donation to Martin's Ministry

Donate directly to Martin.

If you wish to send a gift directly to Martin's ministry please know that Martin is NOT a 501(c)(3) non-profit.Your gift is NOT tax deductible.

Where does your money actually go? Martin will receive 100% of proceeds from a personal check or money order. He receives credit card and PayPal donations less the processing fees incurred.

You may choose to donate one of THREE ways below:

1. Send a check or money order made out to Martin Zender and addressed as follows:

Martin Zender
PO Box 6473
Canton, OH  44706
Please include with your check or money order a note or memo designating your payment as a gift.

2. Click the DONATE button below to enter your one-time donation through PayPal in your home currency.  It's easy! You do not have to have a PayPal account to use your Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, or Discover. If you do not see your currency listed, please email us at and we'll add it for you.

      US Dollar     Canadian Dollar       Euro      Australian Dollar
      Danish Krone     British Pound       New Zealand Dollar      Swedish Krona


3. Click the SUBSCRIBE button below to enter your recurring, monthly donation through PayPal in your home currency.  It's easy! You do not have to have a PayPal account to use your Visa, MasterCard, AMEX, or Discover. If you do not see your currency listed, please email us at and we'll add it for you.

Select Amount - US Dollar
Select Amount - Australian Dollar
Select Amount - Canadian Dollar
Select Amount - British Pound
Select Amount - Euro

We thank you.