At the age of 19, I quit the Catholic religion in which I grew up, bought my own copy of the Bible, and began to seek for myself.
Here, on this Web site, you will find some of the answers I have found over the past thirty years. Click on "Q&A" to discover
that other people probably have some of the same questions you and I have. To read excerpts from my writings, as well as
from my personal correspondence, click on "Essays, Articles, Letters & Stories"
To read excerpts from my books, click on "Books, etc." I wrote my first book,
"How to Quit Church Without Quitting God," to help freedom-seekers
discover, among other things, this amazing truth: The phrase "go to church" is not to be found anywhere in the Scriptures. Oh,
and this: Jesus Christ Himself is not a member of the Christian religion.
If you click "ZenderTalk,"
you’ll find rollicking studies recorded from my "undisclosed location on top of the post office,
across from the bank, and a short walk from the library." These 130 shows are of more value than a seminary education. How can I say that?
Because the teachings make sense, they’re scriptural, and no one forced me through a religion mill before I recorded them. I tackle such diverse
topics as sin, salvation, death, hell, sex, Satan, free will—and Amish underwear. Yes, that’s right, Amish underwear. Why Amish
underwear? I will tell you. (Not many people would do this for you, but I will. I do not fear it.) I
have discovered that under all the religious garb, the soul of the Amish woman yearns to
breathe free. How did I discover this? By simply glancing at an Amish laundry line one day from my
passing car. Is this revelation important for you to know? Hell yes. Otherwise,
I would not have mentioned it.
Why is this Web site different? I have nothing for you to join. And neither am I asking you to sign
a statement of faith. I’m not demanding that you "get back with me." (But you’re sure as heck invited to.) I am the organizer of
nothing, the beggar of no one, the captain of no one's spiritual walk. And neither do I insist that you believe what I tell you. I
only invite you to look at what you may never have seen before in God’s Word and consider it for yourself. I apologize ahead of
time for sometimes speaking bluntly. It’s just that time is running out and we’ve got to get to the point.
Here may be the
deal in a nutshell: "I believe in Jesus Christ as my personal Savior, I just don't belong to the fan club that
claims to own the franchise on Him."
Welcome to martinzender.com.
Explore and enjoy. This site is continuously updated with new articles, photos, sound clips and videos. May God bless your visit.