Breakfast at the hotel, the day after my speaking engagement in Toronto. I look pretty bad; I'm tired as heck. Melody wouldn't have let me out of the room wearing a bright blue shirt with and olive green shirt. Ah, but Melody wasn't there. (I don't think my socks matched, either.) November, 2001.Lunch in Toronto - November, 2001, surrounded by conference organizers and friends. Behind me is Kelly Stokoe, president of Starke & HartmannWith the Telep family in Toronto, November 2001. Top: Mike, me, Denise. Kids: Tim and Lissy. Do you recognize Mike from the cover of The Really Bad Thing About Free Will?In Newport News, Virginia, with Robert Allen, pastor of the Truth and Grace Chapel. I gave a series of weekend addresses there, October, 2005.With Melody in Newport News, Virginia, 2005. That ain't our car! (We flew into town on a big airplane, compliments of Truth & Grace Chapel.Melody and me outside our hotel, Newport News, Virginia, October 2005. It was the weekend of our 23rd wedding anniversayr. I was speaking at the Truth and Grace Chapel, hosted by Pastor Robert AllenThe Zender clan, Easter, 2004. Clockwise from left: Arty, Melody, Martin, Aaron, Jefferson (seated).This is me in my "Christian God" costume, shooting the cover for my cassette tape "Christian God at the Grassy Knoll," one of the stuidest things I've ever done. (It ain't available!)Christmas, 2003. Melody is leading the kids blindfolded toward the big surprise: their Aunt Kelly and her friend Steve have bought them a new 4-Wheeler. Left to right: Arty, Aaron, Jefferson, Melody.And still they wander through the blinding blizzard. Oh, wait they're already blinded.The surprise is realized.My youngest son Jefferson (right) at the Little League All-Star game - 2004? Something like that. Maybe 2003. How should I know? (Time flies.) The Cincinnati Reds dude is his friend, Kurt Shepherd.Arty with his video camera at the Grassy Knoll, Dallas Texas, 2003. He's standing at the exact spot Abraham Zapruder stood on November 22, 1963.Aaron and Arty at Dealy Plaza, Dallas, across the street from the Texas Schoolbook Depository.Arty and Aaron at a Texas Rangers game with Mike Spradlin, pastor of the First Covenant Church of Irving, Texas, where Mike had invited me to speak.At the hotel preparing for my talks at the First Covenant Church of Irving, Texas, 2002. I think that's my CD of '80s hits next to my Concordant Literal New Testament.Me with Jean Henderson, a girl I met at the First Covenant Church in Irving, Texas, 2002. We still correspond (don't tell Melody)I did do some work in Irving, Texas. This is me leaving the podium - I think it was voluntary.
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Aaron and Arty at Dealy Plaza, Dallas, across the street from the Texas Schoolbook Depository.