* * * * *
Christ reached and rescued us. He pressed through
the veil of our stubbornness and rescued us from ourselves. Thank
God that He did. Without Him, what would we have? Apart from Him,
what would we do? We need Him every moment of every day. We cannot
afford an instant of self-sufficiency. What an ash heap of
human pride is the saying: "God will not force Himself on anyone."
That is the lie of Satan. Yet how many who claim the name of Christ
believe and teach it.
* * * * *
We now understand that God gives the belief and
faith necessary for salvation. But this leads us to a startling and
initially troubling conclusion: He has not given this belief and
faith to others. While this may be a hard pill to swallow at first
(I recommend a little orange juice), it is nonetheless true. But as
I will show, this is not a problem. Truth is never a problem.
Discarding error is the problem.
* * * * *
¨ Romans 11:8- "Even as it is written, God gives them (Israel) a
spirit of stupor, eyes not to be observing, and ears not to be
hearing, till this very day."
¨ Romans 11:32- "For God locks up all together in
¨ Romans 9:18- "Consequently, then, to whom He
will, He is merciful, yet whom He will, He is hardening."
To the mind unprejudiced by traditional teaching,
these verses say one thing: God is responsible for human unbelief.
Don’t shoot the messenger. This truth is probably causing yet
another seemingly inescapable problem to trouble you. Allow me to
place the problem squarely before you and offer a solution to it in
the plainest possible language. I choose English.
* * * * *
God needs a cross to reveal His salvation. He
needs rotten Romans who know how to hammer people. He needs a foul
priesthood to offer the Sacrifice. He needs, yes, a Judas Iscariot
to deliver the Lamb. He needs enemies and sinners and whips and
nails and vinegar and reeds to fulfill His Scriptures. And so, He
gives Israel a spirit of stupor (Romans 11:8). He makes vessels of
dishonor, to make His powerful doings known (Romans 9:21-22). He has
made the wicked for this day of evil (Proverbs 16:4), and has
created the ruiner to harm [His Son] (Isaiah 54:16). The mob in
Jerusalem believe they have untrammeled wills, but they are doing
precisely what He has designated beforehand to occur (Acts 4:27-28).
None of them know that (1 Corinthians 2:8), but it doesn’t matter.
This was a scene choreographed by God (Ephesians 1:11), for our
benefit (Romans 5:9). Good and evil are servants in His hand (Job
* * * * *
The day I finally realized that salvation was not
of me, was a big day. This was years after I had become a so-called
Christian. In the old days, I would say my salvation was "not of
me," but I never really believed that. I was brainwashed into saying
it, but not believing it. The day God revealed it to me—what a
revelation. What a day. I had been a Christian for years, but I’m
speaking now of the day I became a believer. There really was no
difference, I discovered, between my flesh, my mortality, my ability
to seek God, and the flesh, mortality, and ability of unbelievers. I
was in the same boat as everyone else. This is humbling, when you
finally see it. It breaks you and you cry.