Martin Zender Part-Time Sinner
© 2004 by Martin Zender
CD 18 Tracks - 64 min.

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About my CD
   by Martin Zender


Published by Starke & Hartmann
P.O. Box 6473
Canton, OH 44706










I knew at once that I had to share this information with others. I felt I needed to speak it before I wrote it; speaking was quicker. And so, I hit the road. I eventually made eight cassette tapes on the topic, five on a single Saturday at meetings in Newport News, Virginia, one on a Sunday morning in a church in Detroit, and two in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in the auditorium of an unlikely place called "The Ladies’ Literary Guild."

I put it all these messages together and called the set The Sin Series. I offered it to my subscribers and stood back to see what would happen.

The series was a hit. It was one of those rare things that pleased God to make go. The messages changed people’s lives. The information was true, and people knew it. Old people knew it, young people knew it, everyone but the self-righteously religious knew it. People said, "Where has this been all my life?" (Religionists said other things, including, "You are the most dangerous man in Christendom.") As the revelation began to take hold, folks from all over began writing to tell me how much sense it all made to them, how it confirmed for them things the spirit was doing in their lives, how it eliminated crippling guilt, and how it actually—are you ready for this?—took the urge to sin away from them. And all because I told them they were free to sin!

Now comes the product you are once again staring in wonderment at.

Neil Armstrong was the first person on the moon, darn him. Sir Edmund Hillary conquered Everest without me; how rude. The Beatles—blast my luck—made strawberry fields fashionable before I had a chance to. What frontier remained? This: Make a compact disc that looked exactly like a music CD, but fill it with short, bite-sized pieces of scripture-teaching truth. Indeed, here was something that not even Lennon and McCartney had thought of.

When you and I have wanted to pass along a scriptural teaching in the past, our only recourse has been to hand someone an audio cassette of some person talking non-stop for an hour. But not many people can swallow teaching in such a format. A person has to really want truth in order to wade through sixty minutes of non-stop "preaching." Could truth be made more palatable? Did it have to be "preaching?" I thought, Why not break down a longer teaching into easily-digestible bits, make them into tracks—allowing listeners to go easily to their favorite parts—and make it visually appealing by packaging it like a music CD? Then, make the "preacher" look like anything but!

You are staring in wonderment at the result. I have taken the first four tapes from The Sin Series—the heart of the messages—and distilled and digitally remastered them into eighteen tracks that will set you free forever. Each track is bookended by music (cool music, thank you), that leads into the message, fades out, then fades back in at the end of the message, then fades back out at the end of each track; even the Beatles would have listened to this. I know God likes it, for it satisfies the single requirement of His task for me: make truth accessible to the common man.

Hey Jude, don’t be afraid. Listen to these "songs," and God will make things better.